Monday, July 17, 2006

New nip toys


Mommy gotted me, Miles and Trixie new nip filled little pillows yesterday for a surprize. I was so 'acited, that I tooked ALL 3 toys myself and licked them real hard, sucked on them and gotted them totally soaking wet, so that Miles and Trixie would not want them. Then I laid down on top of them and passed out. Mommy laughed at me and called me a hopeless nip head. Miles and Trixie was mad at me. But I didn't care, fresh nip is all I cared about.


Victor Tabbycat said...

Oh, Sammy! When I haf nip, I get kinda mean, but I don't steal it frum Bonnie like that.

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh oh. I bets Miles and Trixie were mad wif you. I hopes they don't get no idears bout revenges!

~~ Sanjee